9:30 - 10:30 Tuesday and Wednesday
Contemporary Pilates Intro Offer 2 Classes
Contemporary Pilates 4 Classes
Contemporary Pilates 6 Classes
Contemporary Pilates Drop In
9:30 - 10:30 Tuesday and Wednesday
Contemporary Pilates Intro Offer 2 Classes
Contemporary Pilates 4 Classes
Contemporary Pilates 6 Classes
Contemporary Pilates Drop In

Follow Along Physio Rehab
Body Map
What area are you looking to find relief in? Click a heading below to be directed to your needs
1. Hamstring Health
Phase 1 low load rehabilitation, maintenance, prehabilitation for hamstring niggles and minor hamstring strains. Make sure to always keep your pain levels below your personal 5/10 on the pain scale. If you're rehabbing an injury get your rehab in at least 3x per week. Start with class 1 and then progress to further classes. Also featured are other hamstring focussed classes from other series on the platform.
Physio Pilates: Hamstring Health 101

45min Physio Pilates: Hamstring health class 1

Freedom Physio & Pilates: Hamstring Health 101 Class 2 Aspetar Protocol

Happy Hamstrings: Lengthen & Functionally Mobilise Your Hamstrings

Foam Roll & Mobility for Glutes & Hamstrings

45min Pilates With Props Hamstrings & Glute Fire - Class 10
2. Neck Pain Essentials
Nothing can be more distracting and irritating than persistent neck tension and pain. Sometimes it might even feel like your head is too heavy for your neck. Often a gentle massage will help, but in my experience postural education as well as some gentle resistance exercises and mobility exercises can help even more. First up is a physio focussed session as a springboard into the other 5 classes that will focus on relieving neck tension and bringing mobility to the shoulder girdle and upper back area.
Physio Pilates - Neck Tension Relief & Education
Physio Pilates - Neck Tension Relief & Education

Physio Pilates - Neck Tension Essentials

No More Neck Pain & Posture Power 60Min Mobility

Neck, Shoulders & Wrists - Stretch Class 5

45min Posture Power Class 4 - Neck Tension Release & Twisting Flow.

Desk Relief Neck & Shoulder Mobility

Desk Relief II: Relax Your Neck and Shoulders
3. Shoulder Health
Welcome to shoulder health and mobility. We often neglect to take care of our beautiful shoulders, the only joint in the body that sacrifices stability for mobility. If you're looking to reduce shoulder discomfort try these exercises. If you're experiencing shoulder pain, remember, never push through pain and get in touch if you need help. Welcome to the holy grail of shoulder health.
Physio Rehab - Shoulder Health
Physio Rehab - Shoulder Health

Physio (p)Rehab Shoulder Mobility Essentials

Shoulder blades are cool, I promise

Neck, Shoulders & Wrists - Stretch Class 5

Crazy About Core 5 - Core & Shoulders

Neck Shoulders & Posture: Open Up, Twist & Detox

Desk Relief Neck & Shoulder Mobility

Roll N Release: Tight Chest Opener & Shoulder Stability

Foam Roll & Release: Shoulders & Sidebody opener

Pilates Fundamentals: Midback mobility, shoulder health & core burn.
4. Upper Back Health
Are you experiencing upper back stiffness and pain due to long hours of sitting or perhaps a job that requires you to bend and twist? Perhaps you've started cross training in the gym and you're feeling tight shoulders and need more upper back mobility to allow for increased gains in your workouts.
This is a safe, progressive and accessible series that will guide you from start to finish through upper back mobility and strength.
The first class is a beginners, essentials guide to thoracic movement that will introduce you to the 3D movements in the thoracic spine. We will move actively and passively through flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion.
Physio Pilates - Upper Back Health
Physio Pilates - Upper Back Health

Physio Pilates - Upper Back Health

Thoracic Spine Highlights

Sneak Preview Desk Relief 60Min Twist, Activate, Open Up

Thoracic Extension Explored (Strong)

45min Pilates / Crazy About Core Series /Let's Twist Again/ Class 7

60min Yogalates Flow: Twist, Detox and Spinal Rejuvination: Class 2

Spine Health - Twisty Core Fire

Core Twist Oblique Love

Balance & Twist - Legs & Obliques
5. Lower Back Health
Possibly the most pervasive complaint in the clinic alongside neck pain is lower back pain. This series encapsulates high quality exercises with progressions and regressions designed to bring you back into harmony with your sping, strengthen your core and mobilise your vertebrae. As Joe Pilates said, 'you're only as young as your spine is flexible'
Physio Pilates - Lower Back Care
Physio Pilates - Lower Back Care

Physio Pilates for Lower Back Care Part 2

Freedom Physio & Pilates

Desk Relief I: Release Your Hips & Lower Back

Lower Back Tension Relief

Mastering Neutral Spine 60min Flow

Foam Roll & Release: Core Fire & Lower Back
6. Hip Joint Health
Do your hips need to feel less stiff and tight, do you feel like your lower back pain is related to the lack of mobility in your hips? Have you neglected your hips health and want to feel fitter, younger and better about your hip joints in general? Try these classes and I'm sure you'll start to regain mobility that you may have thought was lost forever.
Physio Pilates - Hip Health
Physio Pilates - Hip Health

Quad Love - Lighten Tight Hips

60min Booty Butter - Glute & Hip Mobility

Happy Holiday Hips & Core Part 2 45mins

45min Gentle Mobility For Tight Hips Class 1

45min Gentle Hip Maintenance

Resistance is Futile 13 Strong Core & Hips

1hr Yogalates Flow: Rest & Digest ~ Quads & Hip Flexor Release

45min Fundamentals - Level 2. Happy Hips - Class 4 - Hip Stability & Mobility