As some of you lovely folk would have seen on social media yesterday, I did a quick poll to ask about preferred class lengths & times and there was a lot of interest in a 45minute Pilates class (as well as prenatal classes which I'll be offering on the Subscription service soon).
So, my dearest peeps, I've changed Thursday 12pm to a 45 minute class. Don't worry, Tuesday will be 1 hour as normal, so good news for my subscribers, you'll get to choose from a 45minute class and a 1 hour class every week.
A theme for the class: Pilates Fundamentals Flow.
I've been really inspired by breath-work lately (as some of you may know). This has been spurred-on by an extremely intense anatomy course called Core Concepts that I've been doing through Immaculate Dissection.

This newfound anatomical awareness coupled with a gorgeous breath class I've committed to joining with local Dublin teacher Cathy Scanlon (The Breathwork Coach) has again made me realise the importance of fundamentals in Pilates and of course fundamentals in the way we breathe, move and cue our movement.
This is why I've decided to dedicate Thursday's classes to focus on fundamentals. Please don't make the error of thinking that fundamentals = easy. Yes beginners are welcome, but these are some of the most challenging and often frustrating aspects of Pilates and movement as a whole.
What are "Fundamentals"? Well, it's the stuff we rush through to get to level 2, the hard things we gloss over to get the six pack or to burn calories. In my experience however, when we really tune into the fundamentals, and commit to consistency, it's there that we can begin to create real change.
Fundamentals are are transformative in the sense that they enlighten us to our patterns and help us to rewire new patterns that are more functional and natural for our body, both on the mat and off the mat too.
I know we all want to feel the burn and we all want to see the benefits of movement in a changing body, but sometimes the stiller we are and the more we direct our focus inward, the more outward change becomes possible. In my own experience, I've had some of the biggest successes and improvements after taking a step back and really reflecting on my patterns.
See you on the mat
Virtual hugs,