Spring into March with me as we share space and time together virtually. Based on your feedback, I have shaken up the schedule (thank you to those who have sent emails and messages, keep them coming please). Take a read below to find out what's on offer at Freedom Physio this March.

New Resistance is Futile Time
Monday 07:15am Dublin / 08:15am Amsterdam / 09:15am South Africa
Runtime: 45min
I have to say thank you for your continued support for this class. I'm going to keep it going every week, nice and early on a Monday morning, the perfect way to set your week off well. Please do make sure to book in for the live experience if you enjoy the group dynamic. At this stage, the website host I'm using (Wix) doesn't allow multiple bookings (which is annoying) so, my apologies that you have to use the booking form and restart the booking process each time when you book in. Fingers crossed for a smoother functionality soon. If you miss the live class, it will be uploaded to the Video Catalogue (on demand) the following day on the Mixed Level Pilates with Props page of the website.

Friday Lunchtime Vinyasa Flow with Carol Grimes
12:30pm Dublin / 13:30pm Amsterdam / 14:30pm South Africa / Level 2
Runtime: 45min
I'm absolutely thrilled to offer Yoga on my schedule for the month of March and delighted that it's with the super talented Carol Grimes. This Level 2 Vinyasa class will flow and develop at pace, each pose flowing into the next with options at each stage to go deeper or ease up if that’s what your body needs. We’ll work to use and control our pranayama throughout the practise. In typical Vinyasa style we’ll move through Sun Salutations to guide us through standing poses, arm balances, twist, balances and maybe even some inversions. Each salutation warming for the next. Gradually we’ll turn inward and wind down preparing for Savasana to clear our mind of the week gone by and go into the weekend with clarity and ease. I hope to see you on the mat.
~ Namaste

Alternating L3 Thursday Evenings
6pm Dublin / 7pm Amsterdam / 8pm South Africa
Runtime 30min & 60mins
I'll be taking over the 6pm Thursday time slot from Jon from March onward which will bring you an alternating schedule of tough functional workouts. Even though these workouts are described as L3, there is a lot of overlap with L2, so I would encourage you to try it out and perhaps you'll surprise yourself with how strong you are. Catch them on demand if you can't make it live.
Starting off with 3omin Pilates HIIT a tough but safe, carefully curated, high intensity class that most of you know and enjoy. Class will have a runtime of 30mins and starts on the 4th March. If you're not sure what Pilates HIIT is all about then head on over to my Video Catalogue library of videos and check out the L3 Pilates HIIT page to see what it's all about.
Alternating weekly with 60min Train with me Level 3 a slower paced but tough strength building class where we will use weights, a full length foam roller and access to a wall to train circuit style to get super- strong. Again, if you're not sure what this class is all about take a look at the L3 Circuit Page of the Video Catalogue and see for yourself. Full length foam rollers are not essential but will make your experience more interesting and challenging.

See you on the mat,